Tool for creating mod template and uploading it to Steam. Uploading workshop content to Steam without developer assigned tools can be a little confusing, thus this tool was made to make it simpler. Note that you can’t mod “directly” with this tool.

You can access the modding tool by selecting the “Launch Modding Tool” when starting the game from Steam.

Launch Options.PNG

This is the main page of the tool. Here you can see the workshop you have uploaded on Steam and mods that are located in your game StreamingAssets folder of the mod tool. Note that this is different from the main game folder, Mod tool and the main game have 2 separate _Data folder. The _Data folder you are looking for is Kriegsfront Tactics - Mod Tool_Data.


Mod Info Page

By clicking on any of the mods you can view its general information and a button to upload the mod to Steam. This information is stored on Steam servers if checking workshop mods, or the modconfig.cfg if checking local streaming assets mods. Naturally, local mods don’t have steamID since they aren’t uploaded yet, so they will appear blank. Local mods also have “PUBLISH” instead of “UPDATE” as an option. They have few differences which will be covered later. Steam mods might take a while to load while the tool download the data from steam, while local mods are near-instant.


Creating Mod Template

Next we will go to the “Create Mod” page, that can be accessed by clicking the “CREATE NEW” button in main menu.


Here you can set the information for your mod. These are the data that will be put into the ModConfig.cfg. You can edit these fields yourself by going to the ModConfig documentation, these are just used to make it easier. Clicking create won’t actually upload the mod to steam yet, it will just create a new “template” folder in streaming assets. Now you can start adding content according to the mod documentation!


thumbnail.png is used for you cover image for your mod on the Steam Workshop page.

Publishing Mods